What Do Home Inspectors Look For? Why These 5 Items Could Make or Break the Inspection

1 month ago 9

So you’ve found a home you love that checks all your boxes. Congrats! But before going full steam ahead with the purchase, it’s in your best interest to know the house is safe, structurally sound, and that major systems are functioning properly before closing the deal.

The home inspection is a buyer’s single best opportunity to assess a home’s condition. It documents issues both major and minor, giving you a clear understanding of exactly what you’ll be taking on as a homeowner. Since purchasing a home likely is the largest single expenditure you’ll make in your life, the inspection helps you determine whether to celebrate, budget for necessary repairs, or reconsider the purchase entirely.

But what aspects of a home inspection are most critical? And how should you handle a report that reveals significant issues?

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Items that are potential deal-breakers will vary from person to person and depend on a number of factors, such as market conditions, the home’s age, the neighborhood, and your financial situation. Nevertheless, there are several things that inspectors look for that can greatly affect a home sale — for better or for worse.

We’re breaking it all down for you with Omaha agent Amy Haggstrom, who sells homes 40% faster than the average agent in Council Bluffs, along with insights from professional home inspectors. Think of this as your home inspection’s CliffsNotes — a concise overview to help you interpret your inspection report and understand what to expect before finalizing the sale (or deciding otherwise)

What happens during a home inspection

As a buyer, you have the option to choose your own home inspector, so it’s essential to choose one who is both experienced and knowledgeable.

“Lean heavily on your Realtor for some inspector recommendations,” Haggstrom says, adding that they can identify which inspectors are thorough and trustworthy. They know which ones are meticulous, communicate effectively with buyers, and provide clear explanations.

When your inspector arrives for the appointment and cracks open their notebook, they’re evaluating items in the home that are “readily accessible and visually observable,” according to the American Society of Home Inspectors Standards of Practice.

“The home inspection is a tool to learn more about what you’re purchasing, so it’s not necessarily to only get a list of defects,” says Brian Wetzel, home inspector and owner of HouseMaster in York County, South Carolina. “It’s also an educational overview of the house.”

While the inspection doesn’t cover every nook and cranny, it will paint a fairly accurate picture of a home’s structure and systems. It will provide a snapshot of the home’s condition and the types of maintenance and repairs that will be necessary in the future.

Equally important, a home inspection may help prevent the buyer’s remorse that’s become more prevalent in recent years. According to a new survey, 82% of buyers had some regrets about their recent purchase. The most common regret: Buying a home that requires too much maintenance.

In a competitive seller’s market, buyers might consider nixing contingencies and waiving home inspections to make their offers more attractive to sellers. In fact, inspections accounted for 20% of buyer contingencies waived at contract in June 2023. And we get it — the market’s a jungle out there — but protecting your investment and financial future is important, too. Given the relatively low cost of an inspection (typically between $296 and $423), the few hundred dollars you spend now could save you thousands and prevent significant stress down the road.

During a home inspection for a recent client of Haggstrom’s, the inspector discovered a sewer leak. He recommended additional tests with a plumber, who found a line break between the home and city sewer lines, causing sewage to slowly leak into the house plumbing.

The buyers “ended up walking away from that home because a potential sewer line was $10,000. That saved them a lot of money,” Haggstrom says.

The top five things home inspectors evaluate

The home inspectors we interviewed agree that several factors are at the top of their list for ensuring home safety and performance.

1. Foundation

The foundation is the workhorse of a house. It must support the home’s structure, including the frame, drywall, and everything up to the roof, as well as its furnishings and, most importantly, its occupants. Foundation issues are often a deal-breaker for buyers because the repairs can be costly.

What inspectors look for

Inspectors typically will walk the perimeter of the home looking for settlement problems, cracks, and sloping. If there’s a crawl space, it will get a good once-over for moisture, mold, and warping that could affect the integrity of wood supports. If the foundation’s been repaired previously, the inspector will check the workmanship on that, too.

“Water penetration is probably one of the biggest concerns, because that can lead to foundation settlement that can lead to — if you’re on a crawlspace — rot, decay, gray mold, and termite activity,” Wetzel says.

Average cost to repair

Foundation repair costs vary widely depending on the severity of the problem. The average cost is $5,046, but it can balloon to as much as $15,500.

2. Roof

Roof quality and performance can also make or break a house deal. You’ll often hear concerned family members ask about the age of the roof in a home sale.

A roof protects a home from outdoor temperatures, wind, rain, and snow. A high-performing roof keeps a home well-insulated while providing good ventilation to maintain interior air quality. It’s also very expensive to replace.

What inspectors look for

Many inspectors will climb up on the roof for a visual inspection, while others may evaluate the roof from a ladder. In inclement weather conditions, an inspector might need to use binoculars and inspect the roof from the ground.

“I’m looking at the overall condition of all the components and making sure that everything is watertight and that we still have three to four years at a minimum life left in that roof at that time of the inspection,” says Tim Damm, home inspector and owner of Blue Ladder Home Inspections in Aloha, Oregon.

Inspectors look for leaks, damaged or missing shingles or tiles, and moss growth. Flashing, gutters, vents, proper attic ventilation, and skylights are also included in their review.

Average cost to repair

Minor repairs can run between $391 and $1,900, while a replacement is a much larger investment and costs, on average, between $5,856 and $13,123.

3. Plumbing

Is there anything worse than a leak? If left untreated, water problems have a domino effect and can create serious issues in a home. Nothing drains a savings account quite like a pervasive water problem. It can affect the foundation, walls, floor, and subfloor — pretty much everything that could result in a headache and even bigger expense.

What inspectors look for

The home inspection will include anything that’s affected by water flow — piping, showers, bathtubs, sinks, faucets, toilets, and spigots. Inspectors will check for leaking, corroding, and cracked pipes, in addition to evidence of any DIY work and repairs.

They’ll have a look at walls, flooring, and ceilings for evidence of moisture, and they will also check for cross-connection or contamination issues.

Average cost to repair

Repairing plumbing issues and water damage can become very costly. The most expensive projects are at the top of our list. If there is a plumbing or water problem, you can expect not only repair costs but also additional expenses for restoration, including drying out, mold remediation, replacing building materials, and labor. This can run from $1,349 and $6,233 and can often cost much more, depending on how much of the home has been affected.

4. Electrical systems

Assessing a home’s safety is top of mind for a home inspector, and electrical issues can pose a serious risk if neglected. Electrical systems are the third-leading cause of house fires, a dangerous and potentially life-threatening outcome of overlooked electrical problems.

What inspectors look for

During an inspection, the electrical panel gets evaluated from top to bottom to ensure everything’s up to code with correct wiring and grounding. The inspector also will look for corroded wires and proper amperage ratings.

Switches and receptacles must operate properly, and ground-fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) outlets should be installed in most rooms to prevent injury and electrocution.

Average cost to repair

If you’re fortunate enough to purchase a home requiring minor electrical repairs, such as replacing an outlet, it should only set things back between $60 and $250. If the issue is serious, like a panel needing a replacement or a whole-house rewiring, be prepared for a heftier price tag, closer to $601 to $2,585.

5. HVAC system

You’re probably going to want to know if your home’s systems can heat, cool, and ventilate the interior efficiently and reliably. Note that the home inspection won’t cover every detail, so if you suspect the unit is older and needs a closer examination, you’ll want a HVAC vendor to conduct a more thorough evaluation.

What inspectors look for

Usually one of the first things an inspector will do during the appointment is turn on the heater and air conditioner to make sure both function properly. They’ll typically let the system run throughout the inspection to check the thermostat, too.

Average cost to repair

Costs span the spectrum (notice a pattern here?) and vary based on the system, what’s wrong, and if it’s a simple repair or replacement.

Furnace repairs can range from $132 to $1,400, while a furnace replacement costs up to $6,000 or more. Air conditioners will set you back $130 to $2,000 for repairs on average, while a full replacement can cost between $3,905 and $12,000.

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